Thursday, December 22, 2022

BRotD Entry 0264 - Car Sensors Focused on Humans

We have sensors for many things in the systems we use, the devices.  Many of our devices are quite personalized.  "Siri, when do the RedSox play again?"  Our voice is known, our location, our history, all kinds of things unique to "you" are known by the AI and used (for convenience, and, to sell you things).

Cars spend all their time monitoring the road and other drivers.  What about the driver in the car? You? 

Referred to as human-centric sensors. The idea is for the system to know the human as well as so many other devices and systems do.

Read more here:

Here is a snippet from that piece:

But this dynamic is changing because of the growing popularity of driver monitoring systems (DMS) that add AI-powered intelligent safety features to cars, which can detect the state and behavior of drivers.

For example, DMS can determine if a driver is experiencing symptoms of sickness or nausea and course correct the in-vehicle experience through controls such as regulating air conditioning or releasing aromatherapy, just as cruise control slows down or speeds up the vehicle depending on real-time sensor inputs.

All the best,

J.W. Gant

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