Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Streaming Has Changed How Movies are Made

 Hello Again,

Continuing on the topic of streaming video.

I was very surprised to learn the target length for movies had been influenced by the size of VHS tapes and Blockbuster rentals.

See some more on that here:


... and now movies are getting longer for very different reasons.

The overall state of chaos in Hollywood is very interesting to observe.  I'm old enough to remember 3 main tv channels tuned in over air.  "Event" television meant you had to tune in (literally tune to the channel) to watch that show that week or you might never have the chance again.  How times have changed.


Here is a snippet from that excellent piece:

The broad outlines of the change are clear enough, even if the outcome is, as ever unknowable. The screenwriter William Goldman’s axiom that “nobody knows anything” in Hollywood remains a good rule of thumb. Anyone who predicts the future of movies (this writer included) is either bluffing, guessing or indulging in wishful thinking.

What will tomorrow bring?  Another Disney animation, another Marvel movie and more Star Wars. Yes. You can bank on those claims.


J.W. Gant

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