Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Russian Hacking to Destabilize Countries

I have a little theory about technology and some of the things we are seeing in the world today.  If this isn't your cup of tea, as content from my blog, you may still find it thought provoking and impactful to your business thinking.

Human history tells us of multiple "Revolutionary" moments.  Not minor, but huge shifts. This is not incremental change but massive change where every aspect of our lives is altered.  

The Agricultural Revolution moved us in to the Agricultural Age.

The Industrial Revolution moved us in to the Industrial Age.

In both of those instances human life was radically altered.  In some ways things got better, in other ways worse (though on balance things got better or we wouldn't have embraced the concepts), but in each revolution we've gone through growing pains until we understood what we'd just gone through.  In the later 1800s it became very cheap to manufacture alcoholic beverages, something that had been more exotic previously.  The result?  Massive drunkenness.  The White Chapel district at the time of Jack the Ripper was a drunken mess.  Gradually we learned ... how to cope with mass produced alcohol.  We still struggle with these issues today but groups such as Mothers Against Drunk Drivers continue to help.  That's 100 years of pain resulting from increased production of alcohol due to Industrialization.

Today we are in the middle of the Information Revolution as we move in to the Information Age.

What is happening?  We are seeing radical changes, such as news on social media, and having difficulty coping with the massive changes. Changes provide opportunity for those who figure things out more quickly than others.  It is increasingly clear the Russian intelligence agencies have figured how to use cyber methods to further their interests.

Here is the New York Times section, an entire section, on Russian hacking of the U.S. elections:


Here is one take on what Putin has been up to:


Will you be hearing about the "Carolina Conspiracy" shortly in your newscasts?  Perhaps the journalists will find enough verification to take this story more broadly, perhaps not.

How has technology changed your life?

What can you do to mitigate the impact on your life? Reading this blog might help.  Be informed.  Research.  Ask questions.  Try to understand.  Help others.  Be kind.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

**UPDATE** A previous version of this story incorrectly stated NPR had discussed the Carolina Conspiracy this morning.  That was incorrect information.

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