Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Energizer Selling More Batteries through Beacons

Beacons.  That little nugget to engage with mobile devices that move in to the area.  Cool right?

Check out what Energizer is doing with these:


Here is a snippet from the piece:

Energizer elicited 411,641 in-store engagements through a beacon-powered campaign that served nearby shoppers, who were leveraging various shopping applications such as ListEase and Ziplist, an in-depth look at its EcoAdvanced batteries.

The battery brand leveraged in-store beacons to get the word out for its new product by sending push notifications in shopping assistance apps ListEase and Ziplist, targeting consumers during the most effective time during their customer journey. Through various checkpoints within store locations, users were prompted to go down Energizer’s aisle to check out the product.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

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