Wednesday, May 9, 2018

BRotD - Entry 0257 Modern Retail and Technology

Best Reading of the Day

This is a fine piece that attempts to explain how the best, tier 1, retailers are handling the challenges of the new connected world.

Retail in the Information Age would also be a fine title for this article.

I'm certain we will see all flavors of players.  Pure mobile, pure brick & mortar, pure eCommerce, and many combinations.  The top retailers must be all things to their customers and that's what we are seeing.  The very top is pulling away from the rest, almost creating a new top tier.  The Walmarts and Amazons of the world do it all very well.

Here is the story:

Here is a snippet from the piece:

“Customers move seamlessly between our stores, online, and mobile,” Home Depot's vice president of Online Pratt Vemana told me. “They’re using mobile within the store, and texting aisle location from their desktops to their phones.”

Home Depot is not the only one.

The term previously coined for this, maybe by folks at Forrester (?), is "Bricks & Mobile".  The author's "Taps, Clicks, Bricks" is also evocative of what is happening.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

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