Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Apple Event

Ahhh September.  Remember when we couldn't wait to hear the latest from Cupertino about their magical devices?  Those days seem long gone but there is still considerable buzz generated when Apple puts on a show.

New iPhone, the 7, with a new Apple Watch, the Series 2, and a whole slew of other goodies await...

Apple Watch

Looks just like the first one, on my wrist now, but with some internal enhancements.  Water resistance is official now, still square, GPS built in (nice) and ... wait for it ... Pokemon Go on the watch.  What?  Okay, maybe that'll get a few folks excited.

White ceramic is a new material choice.

Folks are noticing a definite slant away from luxury brand and towards fitness with this offering.  Looks like Apple has learned from usage over the last 18 months (I've used mine heavily for health and wellness but couldn't care less about the luxury portion).

Nike got out of the hardware business a while ago but they are back in through a partnership with Apple.  The Nike Apple Watch+

By the way, what is missing here?  The Apple Watch "Edition" that was priced over $10,000.  Looks like the move towards luxury was a mistake for the product line and Apple is making the correction.  The Ceramic watch replaces the Edition but is priced at about $1,200.

Read on:

Apple iPhone 7

A jet black option.

Nice new camera work.  Faster, better, more amazing.  The phone is as well.

They finally upped the storage in this.  The base 16 GB is now gone, with a new standard at 32 GB.  That is almost mandatory given the 4K video we now have on these phones. Next step up is also incrementally increased.  No more 64 GB option, rather you go straight to 128 GB. Great for us power users.

The biggest news ... the headphone jack is gone.  Gone!  After many many decades.  You will get a set of bluetooth connected headphones, in-ear style.  You'll also get a dongle to plug "old" headphone jacks in through the one remaining opening, the lightning jack.  Want to listen to music in the airport while your iPhone charges?  Good luck.  I basically hate this decision, but I also understand what it opens up for Apple going forward.  Just seems arrogant to me.

Oh, that fancy Jet Black option?  Apple says it will likely scratch easily so they recommend buying a case for it.  Yes.  They did that.

Apple Pay is coming to Japan.  Apparently they use a particular protocol there that wasn't supported.  It will be now.

Further reading?


Basic updates to their iPad and Pro lines.  Mostly focused on upping the storage, just like the iPhone, to a 32 GB base.

No Apple TV news.  That thing just isn't working out is it?

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

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