Tuesday, August 16, 2016

BRotD - Entry 0244 Thought Leadership

Best Reading of the Day

This great little read caught my eye as I've followed these concepts most of the last few years.  Want to be taken seriously about any subject in any industry?  Consider writing a white paper.

Here is the full article:


Here is a snippet from the piece:

One potent way to build thought leadership is to create a white paper that thoroughly explains a problem that has been a nagging pain in an industry for a while and recommends a reliable and workable solution.

Piracy, for example, has been a long time nagging problem for folks in the film industry. In fact, according The Wall Street Journal, antipiracy and security firm Irdeto found a whopping 5.4 billion instances of online pirated movies, TV shows and even video games in 2009.

On top of that, US film distributor Kathy Wolfe, founder of Wolfe Video, also reported that she lost over $3 million in revenue in 2012 due to piracy. Isn’t this a problem that’s enough catch everyone’s attention in an industry? Wouldn’t a paper on this sort of problem and how it can be solved effectively be a goldmine?

Awesome little graphic included in that article:

Oh, and, I've written a few white papers as you can see here:

Thagent White Papers

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

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