Tuesday, May 14, 2024

The End of Neoliberalism May Be Dawning

The market should be trusted and knows all.

That has been sold to the people of the U.S. for decades, half a century or more now, since at least the Reagan revolution.

How has that worked out?

The middle class has been squeezed almost out of existence, the wealth gap has grown incredibly high, CEOs now make more in a day than the average employee makes in a lifetime, etc. The list goes on.

One economist writing for the Washington Post says our democracy requires a change to our economics.


Here is a snippet from the piece:

We’ve now had four decades of the neoliberal “experiment,” beginning with Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher. The results are clear. Neoliberalism expanded the freedom of corporations and billionaires to do as they will and amass huge fortunes, but it also exacted a steep price: the well-being and freedom of the rest of society.

Interesting read. His opinion is growing massively in this country.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

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