Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Beacons and the Growing Mobile Gap

Several articles stood out to me today, all in the same vein.

First is a concept the author refers to as "post-beaconing" or using data from beacons to provide personalized interactions at a differed date/time.

Next is another retailer using iBeacons this season:

eConsultancy is out with a paper about the single customer view and the feasibility of this approach:

Finally is a brief write-up of a couple new Forrester research papers:

Here is a snippet from that piece:

“I think most brands agreed in 2014 that mobile is strategic but when it comes to integrating mobility into their marketing strategy, few are really measuring all the business implications,” said Thomas Husson, Paris-based vice president and principal analyst of the marketing and strategy client group at Forrester as well as one of authors of the reports.

“In 2015, we expect the gap to increase between brands who will see mobile as just another channel and the leaders who will invest in re-engineering their business to deliver mobile moments,” he said.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

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