Thursday, July 17, 2014

Comcast Customer Retention

This one is all over the news but maybe you've missed it.  I've gathered together a few stories that add it all up.

The essentials of the story revolve around a woman attempting to cancel her family's service from Comcast.  Eventually the husband got on the call, an executive at AOL, and he recorded the last half or so of the call and popped it on the internet creating a firestorm.

How is nearly 20 minutes of nearly abusive behavior by the Comcast representative attempting to retain the account?  Sound like fun?

Here is the core story:

Here is a snippet from that piece:

Almost anyone that has tried to cancel cable service, wireless service, or a gym membership knows how difficult it can be to do over the phone, but a recent call to Comcast by one customer might take the cake for the worst of them all. Ryan Block, formerly of Engadget and now at AOL, called Comcast to cancel his service, but instead of politely obliging and going ahead with his request, the representative on the line insisted on taking him through a circular argument to find out the reason why he was canceling service.

Block was able to capture about eight minutes of the call and has posted the audio...

Here is a follow-up with credentialed testimony from a Comcast employee who knows these matters:

Here is a bit about the proposed merger between Comcast and Time Warner (that sound great for improved customer service across the country right?):

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

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